August 05, 2024

Less comms, more action: AT spends more than $157,500 telling Aucklanders how to get around

The Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance can reveal through the Local Government Official Information Act Auckland Transport has spent more than $157,505 to create and promote its ‘Mix Your Go’ campaign in an attempt to get commuters to vary their chosen modes of transport.

Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance Spokesperson Sam Warren commented:

“If they spent less time on comms and more time on improving roads and services, Auckland commuters might actually start trusting Auckland Transport as an agency.

“Instead, vast amounts of time and public resources are put towards marketing campaigns telling us to subscribe to their ideologically driven dribble.

“It’s hardly a mystery. Stick to the basics, do them well, and let the product speak for itself.  Because no amount of spin will distract the average commuter from the fact that their train has been cancelled for the third time this week."

Auckland Transport declined to provide information on the costs associated with sign writing the 'Mix Your Go' campaign onto its bus fleet as they are currently under negotiations with their sign writer.