While Aucklanders wait in traffic, Auckland Transport spends $126k on office tapware


Phil Goff’s efforts to save money at Auckland Council are clearly coming to nothing, with the Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance revealing today that Auckland Transport is sparing no expense in its new office headquarters.

The CCO is spending $11 million to refurbish the old Vodafone building in the viaduct. The figure includes $3.2m on new furniture, $126,000 on fancy tap fittings, and $40,000 bike racks. We are calling on the CCO to take measures to avoid unnecessary expenditure.
Once again, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport have more money than sense on anything but core services.  Sparing no expense on this move into the most costly piece of office real estate in Auckland offers ratepayers nothing. This $11 million fit-out even includes state of the art taps costing around $126,000.
Why Auckland Transport can’t reuse furniture from its former building, rather than sending it to the dump, is beyond belief.
The Council claims that their old furniture cannot fit into the new space. Surely this should have been a consideration in selecting the new site? On the one hand, they expel the virtue of moving into a smaller space, but what they’re trying to ignore is the fact that this building is costing $11 million to fit out, an extremely costly exercise.
Phil Goff was elected on a promise to cut unnecessary waste in Auckland Council and its CCOs. This shows that isn’t happening.
Breakdown of budgeted expenses on Auckland Council’s refit:

    • The total budget for the relocation is $11 million
    • $6.8 million replacing the air conditioning, installing kitchenettes on each floor, installing bike racks and rebuilding the reception
    • $583,000 updating technology
    • $3.3 million on furniture and fittings, including $1.2 million on new desks and chairs, $126,000 on fancy tap fittings for the new kitchenettes, and $25,000 on internal building signage
    • $313,000 is allocated to contingencies. 

See Auckland Transport’s LGOIMA responses below: