Guest Post: Friends of Fowlds Park
A member has sent this through to highlight what he thinks is the Council spending money unnecessarily.
Friends of Fowlds Park are a community of people who oppose Auckland Council’s plans to build a 10,000 square metre artificial pitch in Fowlds Park, Mt Albert, as part of Council's plans to build 37 artificial pitches in public parks across Auckland at a cost of more than $2 million per pitch (a total of $74 million).
The reasons we’re opposing the application are listed on our website. Briefly, if Council chose fibre reinforced grass, as it has chosen for for Nixon Park, Kingsland, instead of an artificial surface, it would deliver as many hours of sport but would have none of the adverse effects on the environment particular to artificial pitches. The fibre reinforced grass option would cost only around one third as much to install, a total of only $24 million for 37 fields, a $50 million saving.
We ask for your support by making a submission to Auckland Council’s application by 13th July (click here for details).
We believe it is important that as many individuals and organisations as possible, wherever they are located, make submissions on this important issue which affects the whole of Auckland and all Aucklanders.
Kind regards
Will McKenzie (on behalf of Friends of Fowlds Park)
[email protected]