January 20, 2021

Phil Goff's "bullshit" claim is bullshit

The Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance is calling out Mayor Phil Goff for his undignified comment that the claim made by Councillor Greg Sayers asking why Auckland Council is funding yoga classes is “bullshit.”

Yesterday, Councillor Greg Sayers penned an opinion piece questioning why ratepayers were paying for yoga classes, among other services. Responding to Heather du Plessis-Allan, who asked if ratepayers were indeed funding yoga classes, Mr Goff declared “no no, look it’s all bullshit. It’s patently false.”

Mr Goff went on to say that yoga classes are only provided in some pool and leisure centres where membership fees are required, and that Sayers “couldn’t be more wrong.”

Contrary to Mr Goff’s denials, it took the Ratepayers’ Alliance just thirty seconds to uncover a Waitematā Local Board grant towards the cost of yoga instructor wages, venue hire, promotional materials, and catering for LGBTQI yoga workshops.

Spokesperson Jo Holmes says, “it’s actually Mr Goff’s claim that is, in fact, bullshit – funding yoga classes is precisely what the Council has done.”

“Instead of resorting to petty attacks, the Mayor should be focusing on ways to cut spending ahead of the Council’s 10-year budget.”

“It’s very clear Mr Goff is in breach of the Council’s code of conduct which requires respect, honesty, and courtesy. We’re calling on Phil Goff to apologise to Mr Sayers and get back to work cutting Council waste – yoga classes included.”