August 09, 2016

Two more candidates on board with Ratepayer Protection Pledge

Ratepayer Protection Pledge

Following last week’s announcement that nine candidates intend to sign the Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance Ratepayer Protection Pledge, two further candidates have confirmed their intention to sign.
Councillor Dick Quax is standing again for the Howick ward and has committed to the Pledge. So has Holly Southernwood who is seeking election to Council in the Rodney ward.
The Ratepayer Protection Pledge guarantees that they will not vote for any rate or levy hikes exceeding 2% per year in the next Council term. The addition of Quax and Southernwood brings the total number of committed candidates to 11.

Still no Auckland Future! 

There is still no sign of commitment to the Pledge from any candidates from the National Party-aligned Auckland Future. The group have said that their existing policy is consistent with the Ratepayer Protection Pledge, yet they are unwilling to put their money where their mouth is and sign it.
Auckland Future should demonstrate that they really mean what they say about cutting waste, and sign up to the Ratepayers’ Protection Pledge.

Which candidates are on board? 

As of today (9th August), eleven candidates have confirmed their intention to sign the "Ratepayer Protection Pledge": 

Mark Thomas (Mayoral candidate)

John Palino (Mayoral candidate)

John Watson (Albany)

- Christine Fletcher (Albert-Eden-Roskill)

- Sharon Stewart (Howick)

- Dick Quax (Howick)

- Holly Southernwood (Rodney)

- John Riddell (Waitākere)

Mike Lee (Waitematā and Gulf)

Bill Ralston (Waitematā and Gulf)

- Anne Degia-Pala (Whau)