Auckland Transport wastes $150,000 on month and a half roading campaign
According to information obtained under the local government official information act the ratepayers alliance can reveal that Auckland transport has spent $150,000 on a 47 day campaign to inform Aucklanders why 400km of roadworks was occurring at the peak of summer.
Auckland Ratepayers Alliance Spokesman Jordan Williams said:
“The work of Auckland Transport is out of touch with ratepayers expectations of how its work should be advertised. Creating an entire “Summer Road Reno” programme was meant to ask for courtesy to road workers but came across wasteful and arrogant.
Billboards across 17 locations and online graphics used puns such as:
“While you’re going fishing, we’re road fixing.”
“While you’re working on tan lines, we’re paining road lines.”
At a cost of $105,022 on advertising and $44,978 on creative development including a new logo didn’t create respectful drivers while waiting in these roadworks. Auckland Council needs to set clear advertising standards to prevent costly, ineffective mistakes across its council controlled organisations.