Last chance to expose Phil Goff's fuel tax fib
With the Long Term Plan submission process over, and the enabling legislation still working through Parliament, Auckland Council is now required to re-do public consultation on the regional fuel tax before it can be introduced.
Mayor Phil Goff is claiming that a fuel tax is the only way for the Council to afford new transport infrastructure. In fact, this is the premise of the whole consultation process and material.
Don't be fooled.
As shown in our "Fuel Tax Fact Check" the Council could afford all of its transport projects if Mr Goff kept his pre-election promise to cut wasteful spending and find efficiencies of just 3-6 percent.
Will you take a moment to submit through our website on the new round of consultation?
You can share your view on the fuel tax (or use our suggested wording) here.
Your message will be sent straight to the Council’s consultation inbox, where the Council will be obligated to process it as a formal submission.
--> Click here to submit against the regional fuel tax. <--
It will take as little as 30 seconds. Submissions close on Monday at 8pm.
Thank you for your support in holding the Council, and the Mayor, to account.