Launch of the Auckland Ratepayers' Alliance
Rate hikes, proposed new taxes and a culture of wasteful spending has led a group of concerned citizens to form the Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance which begins operations from today.
Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance spokesperson, Jo Holmes, says, “Our purpose is to hold Auckland Council to account. With 130 spin-doctors the Council is very good at sidelining the concerns of neighbourhood ratepayer groups. By combining forces, this new group will shine the light on those wasting ratepayers’ money.”
“Aucklanders who are sick and tired of the Council wasting ratepayer money are invited to join us.”
Auckland Board Member of the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union, Gabrielle O’Brien, says, “Traditionally it’s been the business and property groups that have stuck up for fiscal responsibility within Auckland’s local government. Unfortunately most Auckland business groups are now heavily reliant on ratepayer money and find it difficult to bite the Council hand that feeds them.”
“With rates digging deeper and deeper into the pockets of Aucklanders, residents need an organisation that gives a collective strength to their voice. The Taxpayers’ Union has assisted in establishing the Ratepayers’ Alliance to ensure that Auckland has a dedicated organisation holding the Mayor, his Council, and officials to account.”
Who is behind the Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance?
The Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance is an initiative of the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Unionand its Auckland members. They believe that Auckland needs a dedicated organisation standing up for ratepayers and holding the Council to account for its wasteful spending and high rates.
Who can join the Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance?
Membership is free and open to all Auckland ratepayers at
Who is Jo Holmes?
Jo was the former Deputy Chair of the first Waiheke Local Board under the Auckland Super City and recently Chaired the Waiheke Businesswomens’ Group. Jo has no political party affiliations. More information is available at Jo’s blog site,
What are the aims of the Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance?
The aims of the Ratepayers’ Alliance are to:
• reduce wasteful Council spending;
• increase transparency and accountability of those funded by ratepayers;
• increase institutional checks on the Council;
• enable Aucklanders to easily scrutinise Council spending;
• lower the rates burden; and
• promote evidence-based public policy.Are any of those involved previous office-holders or organisers for Auckland Citizens and Ratepayers?
Will the Ratepayers’ Alliance develop into a ticket, or campaign for a candidate(s) for Mayor or Council?