NEW POLL: Massive majority wants less managers in Auckland Council
A new Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance – Curia poll reveals that 67% of Aucklanders want to see a decrease in Auckland Council managers compared with just 7% who want the number to increase. 17% of respondents wanted the number of managers to remain unchanged.
Voters were asked: “Last year, Auckland Council employed 876 managers with an average salary of $142,613. Do you think the number of managers employed by Auckland Council should increase, decrease, or stay the same?”
Commenting on the poll results, Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance spokesperson, Sam Warren, said:
“Aucklanders are done with overpaid bureaucrats inside the Council costing ratepayers a fortune. It’s time they are showed the door.
“Before the Council starts hiking rates, it needs to urgently cut the fat to focus on core services, not backroom bureaucracy.
“Wayne Brown was elected on a mandate to get spending under control, this poll shows he clearly still has that mandate – no he must act on it.”